Some things just for fun...

"Kepler": a really minimal animation example (javascript/svg)

Kepler's Laws (embedded animations)

💡 Newton's Laws: Many-body simulation right in your browser!

A really minimal example for editing a graphics live via text input

Laying out some text, controlled live via text input

Live text: describe circles in text, watch text changing as you drag!

💡 Live text: describe text boxes and move them around!

Simple version of live javascript/SVG

💡 Live javascript/SVG: Experiment live with drawing using javascript vector graphics!

Nearby stars, rotating 3D display

💡 Art from Math (with editor)

Get the source code for these examples either simply by "show source" inside your browser on the respective pages (no external libraries, everything in one file). Or go to my github repository.

Florian Marquardt 2020