// Enter javascript code here to draw: var N=200 var j,r,g,b,x,y var WIDTH=100 var HEIGHT=100 for(j=1;j<=N;j++) { r=Math.random()*255 g=Math.random()*255 b=Math.random()*255 x=Math.random()*WIDTH y=Math.random()*HEIGHT circle(x,y,10, "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+",0.5)") } /* Note: Code is executed live while you type... as long as the code is invalid, some or all of the graphics may disappear. Note: You have to declare variables before use, like "var A,B" or "var C=5;" ⛔️ Warning: Do not execute code provided by someone else unless you understand that it doesn't do anything malicious. This directly executes javascript, without any safety precautions. Pre-defined: canvas ...reference to the SVG drawing area (to which all other functions draw) circle(x,y,radius,color) ...draw a circle. Returns the circle svg object for reference (same is true for all the other graphics functions below). add(graphics_type,...attributes...) ...add an svg object of 'graphics_type', with a list of attributes. Example: add("circle","cx",10,"cy",20,"r","10") rubberbox(x,y,string,rectcolor,textcolor,textstyle) ...draw a rounded box with text inside, stretching to fit (returns group object). Code 2020 by Florian Marquardt */